Voter ID bills are redundant, unneeded  and limit voting options

Voter ID bills are redundant, unneeded and limit voting options

With a voter ID law already in place, Senate Bills 303 and 304 remove option to vote by signing an affidavit


LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters issued the following statement in opposition to Senate Bills 303, 304, and 285, which are expected to be taken up by the Senate Elections Committee today. 

  • Senate Bills 303 and 304 remove the option to vote by affidavit if you don’t have or forgot a suitable ID on Election Day.
  • Senate Bill 285 requires voters to submit ID information when applying for an absentee ballot application. 

“Michigan already has a voter ID law on the books that maintains safety and security for our elections. All these bills do is take away options from voters on Election Day, removing our option to vote by signing an affidavit,” said Clare Allenson, Democracy For All Director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Senate Bills 303, 304, and 285 are further examples of how the Senate elections package is laser focused on making it harder for Michiganders to exercise their freedom to vote.” 

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