Recent damage to Line 5 highlights dire need for accountability of Enbridge Energy

Recent damage to Line 5 highlights dire need for accountability of Enbridge Energy

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today condemned Enbridge Energy for once again putting Michigan’s Great Lakes at risk and called on state leaders for full transparency and accountability over the Canadian oil company that operates Line 5. According to a letter sent from Governor Whitmer to Enbridge Energy, Enbridge alerted the State of Michigan Thursday of significant damage to the Line 5 Pipeline.

“Tragically, the news of significant damage is not surprising, given this is the second time in a month that the Line 5 Pipeline has been severely compromised,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV. “Two years ago, an anchor nearly pierced the pipeline and it appears this week we again narrowly avoided a catastrophic disaster in our Great Lakes.  Enbridge has shown time and again they cannot be trusted to manage this dangerous and damaged pipeline.  Serious questions remain: How can we be sure the pipeline will be safe to continue operating?  How many more violations and repeated damage will it take for our leaders to shut down Line 5 for good? We need full transparency on how this damage happened, when Enbridge knew about it, and why Michiganders were not alerted sooner.”

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