National Environmental Scorecard highlights congressional voting records

National Environmental Scorecard highlights congressional voting records

Scorecard highlights need for lawmakers at local, state and national levels to make water quality a priority

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today released an analysis of the environmental voting records of Michigan’s congressional delegation for the 2017 legislative session from the League of Conservation Voters’ National Environmental Scorecard. Results from the national scorecard demonstrate the need for lawmakers at the local, state and federal levels to make water quality a top priority in 2018.

In Michigan, water is part of our way of life, and that means we need elected officials at all levels of government who will address the many water quality issues facing our state and our nation,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We applaud the congressional lawmakers who are working to protect our Great Lakes, inland lakes, rivers and streams, and we remain committed to holding the entire Michigan delegation accountable for making protecting our drinking water a top priority in 2018.”

The release of the scorecard comes at a time when communities across Michigan are grappling with water quality issues. Forty-five percent of Michigan residents get their drinking water from private or municipal wells, and communities like Rockford and those in northern Michigan have groundwater wells that are contaminated by decades-old industrial solvents.

This Congress has repeatedly refused to stand up to President Trump’s extreme anti-environmental agenda and his attacks on our air, water, land and wildlife,” said LCV Vice President for Government Affairs Sara Chieffo. “In a year where devastating hurricanes and wildfires showed why the need to fight climate change is so urgent, extreme leadership in the House and Senate instead inflicted lasting damage on our communities by reversing clean water protections and confirming industry favorites to key environmental posts. Thankfully, our environmental champs have consistently fought for our communities and helped save funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. These allies are more important than ever as the administration’s hostility toward commonsense environmental protections continues.”

The 2017 Scorecard includes 35 House votes, with a national average House Republican score of 5 percent and a national average House Democrat score of 94 percent. In the Senate, the Scorecard includes 19 votes, including eight votes to confirm anti-environmental Cabinet and sub-Cabinet nominees who have wasted no time implementing Trump’s dangerous agenda.

LCV has published a National Environmental Scorecard every Congress since 1970. The Scorecard represents the consensus of experts from about 20 respected environmental and conservation organizations who selected the key votes on which members of Congress should be scored. LCV scores votes on the most important issues of the year, including energy, climate change, public health, public lands and wildlife conservation, and spending for environmental programs. The votes included in the Scorecard presented members of Congress with a real choice and help distinguish which legislators are working for environmental protection. More information on individual votes and the Scorecard archive can be found at

Below is a breakdown of scores for the Michigan Congressional Delegation.

House 2017 Lifetime
Bergman 6 6
Huizenga 0 4
Amash 23 16
Moolenaar 6 4
Kildee 94 96
Upton 14 26
Walberg 0 3
Bishop 6 5
Levin 100 91
Mitchell 3 3
Trott 3 3
Dingell 100 98
Conyers 94 82
Lawrence 100 98

Senate 2017 Lifetime
Peters 100 93
Stabenow 95 88

Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018

Contact: Katie Parrish, Communications Director, (239) 537-9507

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