Michigan LCV Statement on Police Killing of Patrick Lyoya in Grand Rapids

Michigan LCV Statement on Police Killing of Patrick Lyoya in Grand Rapids

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement regarding the killing of Patrick Lyoya, an unarmed Black man whose life was taken during a traffic stop by a police officer with the Grand Rapids Police Department. 


“The recent killing of Patrick Lyoya at the hands of a police officer in Grand Rapids is a tragic reminder that violence against Black and Brown people in our country continues to be a horrific  problem that we must address. Systemic racism continues to be an egregious public health crisis, and as an organization that works to protect the health of all Michiganders, we are committed to fighting racism in all its forms.”


Michigan LCV condemns the continued violence inflicted upon Black and Brown people by police forces across the United States, and we reaffirm our commitment to being part of the solution. We stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We stand in solidarity with Black, Indigenous and People of Color everyone, and we demand change.”

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