Michigan LCV statement on PFAS contamination in Lake St. Clair

Michigan LCV statement on PFAS contamination in Lake St. Clair

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) issued the following statement today following a recent MLivereport on PFAS contamination from the Selfridge Air National Guard Base into Lake St. Clair and the Clinton River. According to the MLivereport, testing results from February that were obtained by the Freedom of Information Act revealed that five storm-water drainage units on the base tested positive for PFAS. Those drainage units release water directly into the Clinton River and Lake St. Clair, a source of drinking water for local communities.

“This latest report is yet another example of how this crisis is touching every part of our state, and should sound the alarm bells for our leaders,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Mounting evidence that PFAS contamination is seeping and pouring into our Great Lakes – the very source of our drinking water – should be an urgent call to action.  We must protect the health of our families and Michigan communities. We again reiterate our call for lawmakers to return to Lansing from summer break and conduct a full investigation into this ‘forever chemical’ crisis in our water and how an MDEQ report six years ago was ignored, kept from the public and swept under the rug.”


Contact: Katie Parrish, Communications Director, (239) 537-9507

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