Michigan LCV statement on Midland flooding

Michigan LCV statement on Midland flooding

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement regarding catastrophic flooding happening in Midland County following the collapse of the Edenville Dam: 

“The flooding in Midland County poses significant risks of spreading pollution from the Tittabawassee River that has suffered from decades of contamination and illegal dumping by Dow Inc. — making it one of the most contaminated rivers in Michigan,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “High water levels also threaten the integrity of Dow’s facility, which we know houses dangerous chemicals. Michiganders deserve full transparency from Dow, state and local officials regarding any contamination that results from this catastrophic event — and the immediate cleanup of it.

“The catastrophic flooding we are seeing in Midland is a culmination of the impacts of the increased strange and severe weather events that are amplified by climate change, and this latest event highlights the importance of big thinking right now from leaders around how to plan properly with our changing climate to keep our families safe,” Wozniak added. “Unfortunately, President Trump and his administration continue to systematically weaken critical environmental protections and oversight that protect us during these times of crisis.

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