Michigan LCV statement on discovery of PFAS contamination in Flint

Michigan LCV statement on discovery of PFAS contamination in Flint

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018

Contact: Katie Parrish, Communications Director, (239) 537-9507

Michigan LCV statement on discovery of PFAS contamination in Flint

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today issued the following statement regarding the discovery of high levels of PFAS at the closed Buick City factory in Flint.

“The news today about the Buick City site seeping with highly-toxic levels of PFAS is yet another blow to Flint and a community still suffering with incredible water challenges,” said Bob Allison, deputy director at Michigan LCV.  “It’s clear there is no time to waste and yet our leaders continue to lag behind other states in taking swift action to set a tough, safe drinking water standard for PFAS.  Our Legislature will return next month and it’s clear they need to stand up for people all over this state grappling with PFAS – from Flint to Oscoda; Rockford to Parchment and the dozens and dozens of other sites.”


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