Michigan LCV slams Enbridge Energy for political donations

Michigan LCV slams Enbridge Energy for political donations

LANSING – Bob Allison, deputy director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters issued the following statement today responding to aninvestigative report in today’s Detroit Free Press.

“It’s an outrage that the pipeline of money from Enbridge Energy continues to flow to protect Enbridge’s profits and Line 5, which should be shut down immediately. Enbridge Energy clearly wants to protect the status quo that has protected them for far too long. Instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to influence Michigan’s political process, the oil company should shut down the 65-year-old Line 5 pipeline, which continues to imperil our state’s future and our Great Lakes. Whether you support the ballot initiative or not, everyone agrees that gerrymandering and rigging political elections has not helped, and in fact has harmed Michigan’s air, land and Great Lakes. The Michigan League of Conservation Voters will be holding politicians accountable that accept money from big polluters like Enbridge and make sure voters are aware which of our elected officials are in the pockets of the big oil and gas companies.” 

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