Michigan LCV releases 2017-18 Environmental Scorecard

Michigan LCV releases 2017-18 Environmental Scorecard

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, September 27, 2018

Contact: Katie Parrish, Communications Director, (239) 537-9507, [email protected]

Michigan LCV releases 2017-18 Environmental Scorecard

Scorecard details bad bills, missed opportunities for environmental policy in state Legislature 

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today officially unveiled its 2017 – 2018 “Michigan Environmental Scorecard.”This year’s scorecard evaluated voting records for lawmakers based on four key areas: Ensuring safe, affordable drinking water; advancing clean, pollution-free energy options; protecting public lands; and promoting fair elections and good government. 

“The 2017-18 legislative session was a snub to our Great Lakes way of life, public health, and future generations. Our message this year is simple: Michigan deserves better,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV. “We saw the state Legislature advance a slate of bills that took aim at bedrock environmental protections that Michiganders have built over generations. At the very same time, the good ideas—bills that would better the lives of Michiganders and address our most pressing environmental challenges—rarely advanced.”

The 2017-18 Michigan Environmental Scorecard reports the performance of Michigan legislators on conservation issues during the 99th legislature. It evaluated over 300 bill introductions that impact Michigan LCV’s priority issues either positively or negatively and scored lawmakers on 39 bills voted on in the House and Senate. The Scorecard is designed to serve as a guide for Michigan residents, allowing them to hold state legislators accountable for their votes on important issues related to public health, drinking water, air quality and protecting our state’s world-class natural resources. 

“We also want to applaud the 33 lawmakers who received perfect scores. These environmental champions stood up for our air, land and water that make Michigan a great state to live, work and play,” said Janis Bobrin, Michigan LCV board member. “Several lawmakers introduced legislation that would help tackle our state’s growing water crisis and other environmental challenges, and we will continue to advocate for solutions to these challenges in the next legislative session.”

The full 2017-18 scorecard can be found at

A full recording of a tele-press conference providing an overview of the scorecard can be found here.



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