Michigan LCV Ed Fund calls on MICRC  to listen to public, improve maps

Michigan LCV Ed Fund calls on MICRC to listen to public, improve maps


LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters Education Fund today issued the following statement after the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (MICRC) concluded its final round of public hearings. Michigan LCV Ed Fund is urging the Commission to take into account input from Michiganders and adjust the proposed draft maps to reflect partisan fairness and accurately represent Michigan communities in accordance with the Voting Rights Act (VRA). 

“As public hearings end and deliberations begin, it is imperative that the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission listens to the hundreds of Michiganders that have publicly made their voices heard and make changes to the draft proposed maps to ensure Michigan communities across the state are represented accurately and fairly,” said Mark Payne, Democracy For All Coordinator for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters Education Fund. “As they stand currently, the 10 collaborative draft proposed maps the Commission is considering unlawfully favor Republican candidates, especially in the state house maps based on partisan fairness scores, and do not adequately reflect the communities they encompass.” 

“The Commission must take the time and use the full set of tools before it, including careful review of the many, partisan-fair maps submitted by the public and complete VRA analysis with primary data beyond the 2018 gubernatorial election. How the maps are drawn will have a direct impact on critical issues like access to clean, affordable drinking water and more affordable, reliable energy for the next decade. We have to get this right.” 

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