Michigan LCV calls on legislators, governor to protect and clean up state’s drinking water

Michigan LCV calls on legislators, governor to protect and clean up state’s drinking water

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today issued the following statement regarding the highly toxic hexavalent chromium that contaminated groundwater in Madison Heights, resulting in a toxic green liquid that flowed out onto I-696. The site is one of thousands that are contaminated in Michigan.

“The green slime oozing beneath Oakland County is a warning sign for us all that our drinking water is being threatened more than ever before,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Toxic contamination is impacting our public health – from recent news that dozens of communities in metro Detroit found elevated lead levels to cancer-causing PFAS chemicals now in the drinking water of 1.4 million Michiganders. Lansing must step up. The Legislature and governor need to work hand-in-hand to do more than just talk about protections and clean up but put those words into action.”

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