Michigan LCV applauds $1 billion Great Lakes restoration funding for clean, safe water

Michigan LCV applauds $1 billion Great Lakes restoration funding for clean, safe water

Historic investment to protect Great Lakes, boost cleanup and restoration

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement regarding an announcement of an additional $1 billion being directed toward the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative from funding provided by the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law last year. The funding will accelerate cleanup and restoration projects that protect the Great Lakes and the health of Michiganders.

“Our Great Lakes are part of our way of life here in Michigan, and this funding will help protect these valuable resources for years to come,” said Bentley Johnson, federal government affairs director for Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is a critical tool to preserve our Great Lakes, and the additional $1 billion from the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will help clean up pollution in watersheds around our Great Lakes that are the source of drinking water for millions of people.”

The additional funding will go toward cleanup and restoration by 2030 of nine high priority lakes, watersheds and rivers that flow into the Great Lakes.

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