MI Senate should let Whitmer’s appointees get to work serving the people of Michigan

MI Senate should let Whitmer’s appointees get to work serving the people of Michigan

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement after the Michigan Senate’s Advice and Consent Committee rejected more than 10 of Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s appointments to state boards and commissions, including the Natural Resources Commission, Commission of Agriculture & Rural Development and other critical government posts.

“More than ever, we need government to work and function properly, yet the Michigan Senate today baselessly rejected qualified appointees to important boards and commissions that serve the people of Michigan and protect our natural resources and health,” said Nick Occhipinti, government affairs director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We are increasingly concerned that partisanship is standing in the way of the appointment of qualified people who can be a great benefit to our state at this critical moment.  These Michiganders offered their time and talent to serve the people of Michigan, and they were rejected for political reasons – not on their personal qualifications or merits.” 

“We call on the Senate to put partisan politics aside and stop rejecting Governor Whitmer’s appointments of qualified people so they can get to work serving the people of Michigan,” added Occhipinti.

Today, the Senate rejected the following appointments to boards and commissions:

Natural Resources Commission, Thomas Baird and David Cozad

Commission of Agriculture & Rural Development, Cheryl Kobernik

Rural Development Fund Board, Erin Krischer

Michigan Civil Rights Commission, Richard Corriveau

Director of the Office of Children’s Ombudsman, Suzanna Shkreil

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board (Children’s Trust Fund), Kristen Totten

Michigan Public School Employees’ Retirement System (MPSERS) Board, James Pearson

Data Collection Agency Governing Board, Emily McDonough

Barrier Free Design Board, Ronald Campbell

Board of Mechanical Rules, Terry Gilligan and Dennis Mowbray

Michigan Travel Commission, Amy B. Cox


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