Legislature must move now to ensure voters have full access to election

Legislature must move now to ensure voters have full access to election

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today called on the Michigan Legislature to act now to ensure voters have safe and equitable access to voting in light of significant challenges to our elections caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Senate Elections Committee today held a hearing with Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to discuss actions she’s taken to preserve voting access, but instead focused on false claims of unproven voter fraud and pushed for purging our state’s voter lists.

“Michigan can do better than the election debacles we’ve already seen in Wisconsin and Alabama, and it starts with ensuring every voter has access to the full array options to safely cast their ballots — including secure-location drop boxes, early voting sites, fully-staffed in-person polling locations, and by mail,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters.  “Some in the Legislature have met this year’s voting challenges with unacceptable resistance. One common-sense measure lawmakers could pass now as a starting point is allowing for the pre-processing of absentee ballots.  Instead, legislation that would do just that has sat in committee for weeks. It should already be done.”

Contact: Nick Dodge, Michigan LCV Communications Director, (616) 796-4912

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