Gov. Whitmer prioritizes drinking water protection, climate action in 2021 budget

Gov. Whitmer prioritizes drinking water protection, climate action in 2021 budget

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement after Gov. Gretchen Whitmer unveiled her executive budget for 2021.

“If there ever was a moment for our elected leaders to come together, it’s amid constant headlines about toxic chemicals in our drinking water, contaminated sites polluting our lakes and rivers, and the impacts of extreme weather events from climate change.  We need bold action from our governor and Legislature to tackle these issues head-on,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Governor Whitmer’s budget prepares our state for the effects of a rapidly-changing climate and makes cleaning up contaminated sites and protecting our drinking water top priorities. Safe, clean water is not a partisan issue.  This is a Michigan challenge that we must face together.”

Key highlights from Gov. Whitmer’s proposed budget include:

  • $40 million for local climate resiliency projects to help local government’s prepare for the impacts of climate change and shoreline erosion

  • $20 million for rapid response to toxic contamination and cleanup of sites, including more testers, inspectors and protectors to identify pollution sources

  • $4 million for legal efforts within the Attorney General to protect residents from chemical contamination of drinking water and commercial pollution

  • $40 million to improve school health-related  infrastructure, including lead abatement, heating and cooling upgrades, filtered water fountains, and other upgrades

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