Enbridge’s refusal to provide financial assurance of Line 5 Pipeline should be final straw for shutdown

Enbridge’s refusal to provide financial assurance of Line 5 Pipeline should be final straw for shutdown

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today blasted Enbridge for failing to provide financial assurances for the Line 5 pipeline, which in effect allows the company to skirt financial responsibility in the event of a catastrophic oil spill. A letter released by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources today shines a light on how Enbridge has misled the state and public about its financial liability over Line 5 and calls on Enbridge to enter a written agreement that would require the company to take financial responsibility for cleanup of any oil spills.

“Today should reaffirm again that Enbridge Energy is actively trying to skirt any financial responsibility over a Line 5 oil spill, which is clear evidence why this company cannot be trusted,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We know Line 5 poses an imminent threat to our Great Lakes and our economy, and Enbridge has proven time and again that they are unwilling to play by the rules, despite all that’s at stake. Our state needs to move swiftly in revoking Enbridge’s easement agreement and shut down Line 5.

A copy of the DNR’s letter released today can be found here.

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