Enbridge has disrespected Michigan for too long; legal action needed to hold company accountable

Enbridge has disrespected Michigan for too long; legal action needed to hold company accountable

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement in response to Attorney General Dana Nessel filing a temporary restraining order against Enbridge Energy after the Canadian oil company refused to stop operations on Line 5 despite significant damage recently. 

“Enbridge Energy has thumbed its nose at Michiganders and our laws for way too long, and this latest display of belligerence — their all-out refusal to shut down Line 5 amidst significant damage — deserves swift, decisive action,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV.  “Attorney General Nessel, with support from Governor Whitmer, moved quickly today in immediately filing a restraining order.  We must do everything we can to protect our Great Lakes — the driver of our economy and source of drinking water for over 15 million people — from a catastrophic oil spill.”

“Residents have a chance on June 30 to make their voices heard when the Michigan Public Service Commission meets, and demand that our Great Lakes are protected because Enbridge clearly cannot be trusted to do so,” Wozniak said.

A special Public Service Commission meeting is scheduled for June 30 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  The meeting will involve decision-making around its role in oversight of Enbridge’s controversial Line 5 tunnel proposal, and allow residents the chance to give public comment virtually. More information can be found at,9535,7-395–531344–,00.html


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