Anchor strike legislation will help protect Great Lakes while work continues to shut down Line  5

Anchor strike legislation will help protect Great Lakes while work continues to shut down Line 5

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today issued the following statement in support of House Bill 6307, recently announced legislation by state Rep.’s Rachel Hood (D-Grand Rapids) and Yousef Rabhi (D-Ann Arbor) that puts in place protections for our Great Lakes from preventable oil and gas spills, and by classifying anchor strikes as a felony in Michigan. The legislation was spurred by multiple incidents to Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline where ship anchors hit the line threatening a catastrophic oil spill.

“Two years ago, an anchor directly struck the Line 5 pipeline; and again this summer the line experienced a massive, damaging collision from a ship chain or cable – threatening disaster in our Great Lakes,” said Nick Occhipinti, government affairs director of Michigan LCV. “This is unacceptable. Already, we have had too many close calls – demonstrating the true danger this pipeline poses to our Great Lakes. It’s critically important we have laws in place to prevent an oil spill in the Great Lakes before disaster strikes. This legislation is a step in the right direction as we work towards stopping the flow of oil and shutting down Line 5. We thank Reps. Hood and Rabhi for their leadership introducing this bill designed to help protect our Great Lakes and drinking water.”

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