Michigan LCV hails U.S. House passage of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act

Michigan LCV hails U.S. House passage of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act


LANSING — The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement hailing Congress’ passage of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act, a sweeping budget resolution that would make large-scale investments in clean energy, electric vehicles, union jobs and action on climate change.

“President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda is the single-most significant investment in our country’s history to transition our economy, create good union jobs and tackle the climate crisis. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity and we are one step closer to getting it done,” said Bentley Johnson, federal government affairs director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We are seeing the impacts of climate change firsthand in Michigan with regular 100-year storms that flood our homes and highways and threaten our health. We thank members of the Michigan Delegation who stepped up and voted ‘yes’ on this historic legislation and we call on our U.S. Senators to finish the job and pass the full Build Back Better Act.”

The bipartisan infrastructure package signed into law this week, as well as the Build Back Better Act, come as the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report over the summer that found the Earth is warming at a faster rate than previously thought, and temperatures over the next two decades will exceed the 1.5 degree Celsius threshold the scientific community has warned against. The report references this excessive warming as a “code red for humanity.” The Build Back Better Act will address the climate crisis, with historic investments in affordable, reliable clean energy.

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