Michigan League of Conservation Voters endorses State House and Senate candidates for November election

Michigan League of Conservation Voters endorses State House and Senate candidates for November election

Lansing, MI – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today announced its Round One endorsements for candidates running for the Michigan House of Representatives and Senate.

“Our water is part of who we are, and we are proud to endorse these candidates who will make protecting our water, our health and our children’s futures a top priority,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director for Michigan LCV. “Voters in Michigan have a real opportunity to elect leaders who will champion policies to clean up our air, protect our drinking water, and ensure fair access to the ballot.”

Michigan LCV’s Round One endorsements are awarded to candidates who demonstrate a strong commitment to protecting the health of Michigan’s communities and our democracy, which includes, but is not limited to: cleaning up toxic contamination in water, addressing the climate crisis, protecting our natural resources, tackling inequities in communities disproportionately affected by air quality issues and access to clean water, and supporting policies that ensure fair and equal access to the ballot.  Future rounds of endorsements will happen in 2022.

Round One endorsements were decided through a thorough vetting process that included completion of a questionnaire and an in-person interview.

Michigan LCV endorsed the following candidates:

  • Christine Morse (HD 40)


  • Julie Rogers (HD 41)


  • Rachel Hood (HD 81)


  • Sean McCann (SD 19)


  • Winnie Brinks (SD 29)


  • David LaGrand (SD 30)


  • Julie Brixie (HD 73)


  • Kara Hope (HD 74)


  • Sarah Anthony (SD 21)


  • Sam Singh (SD 28)


  • Regina Weiss (HD 6)


  • Helena Scott (HD 7)


  • Abraham Aiyash (HD 9)


  • Joe Tate (HD 10)


  • Lori Stone (HD 13)


  • Laurie Pohutsky (HD 17)


  • Kelly Breen (HD 21)


  • Matt Koleszar (HD 22)


  • Jason Morgan (HD 23)


  • Ranjeev Puri (HD 24)


  • Felicia Brabec (HD 33)


  • Erika Geiss (SD 1)


  • Sylvia Santana (SD 2)


  • Stephanie Chang (SD 3)


  • Padma Kuppa (SD 9)


  • Rosemary Bayer (SD 13)


  • Jeff Irwin (SD 15)


For a full list of Michigan LCV’s endorsements visit: 


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