Michigan LCV endorses Sima Patel for Court of Appeals

Michigan LCV endorses Sima Patel for Court of Appeals

Lansing, MI — The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today announced their endorsement of Sima Patel in her re-election bid for Michigan’s 2nd District Court of Appeals.

“Electing judges with deep integrity to serve in Michigan’s judicial system is critical for protection of our state’s land, air, water, climate, and the health of our communities and democracy,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV. “Judge Patel is a proven legal expert. We are confident that she will continue to serve as an impartial, nonpartisan arbiter on Michigan’s 2nd District Court of Appeals when re-elected.”

Judge Patel was appointed to Michigan’s 2nd District Court of Appeals by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in March, 2022 and is running in a Special Election to retain the seat. Prior to her appointment, Judge Patel worked at the highest levels of Michigan’s judicial system. Just a few of her accomplishments to-date include:

  • Clerked for six years in Michigan’s Supreme Court under Justices Weaver and Hathaway, and spent 11 years in private practice as an appellate attorney. 
  • In 2007, Judge Patel helped pen Justice Weaver’s dissenting opinion in the case MI Citizens for Water Conservation v. Nestle Waters, which argued for the rights of private citizens to be allowed to bring suit in Michigan. 

Judge Patel is the first East-Indian American to sit on a Michigan Appellate Court, and one of only three minority members of the Michigan Court of Appeals. 

Michigan LCV’s endorsements are awarded to candidates who demonstrate a strong commitment to protecting the environment, the health of Michigan’s communities, and our democracy. 

Judge Patel’s endorsement was approved by a vote from the Michigan LCV Board of Directors. Learn more about our endorsement process at here.

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