Statement from Michigan LCV on charges in the Flint water crisis

Statement from Michigan LCV on charges in the Flint water crisis

LANSING — Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement in response to charges filed against Gov. Snyder and others involved in the Flint Water Crisis: 

“It has been almost seven years since the Flint water crisis exploded into the national spotlight and we are finally seeing repercussions for those involved,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director at Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “This development is long overdue for Flint residents who have been fighting for justice for years. This is not the end of the Flint water crisis and it will not erase the damage that has been done, but today’s action by Attorney General Nessel shows that no one is above the law and you will be held accountable for the epic failure to put people’s lives over your own political career.”

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