New ad targets DePerno as part of ‘Dirty Dozen’ candidates

New ad targets DePerno as part of ‘Dirty Dozen’ candidates


LANSING – A new ad highlighting Matt DePerno’s dubious past comes as the GOP candidate for Michigan Attorney General lands on a list of 12 candidates nationwide who have sided against the environment and are a danger to our democracy. 

The TV ad, “Running from the Law,” is part of an aggressive $3.5 million independent expenditure campaign by the Conservation Voters of Michigan PAC (CVM PAC), aimed at electing and re-electing clean water and public health champions across the state, like Attorney General Dana Nessel.

This week, our national affiliate’s SuperPAC the LCV Victory Fund announced DePerno’s addition to the 2022 Dirty Dozen in the States. Modeled after LCV Victory Fund’s federal Dirty Dozen, the Dirty Dozen in the States highlights 12 candidates running for office at the state level who have consistently sided against the environment and purposefully undermined and threatened our democracy. 

“Matt DePerno is the exact opposite of what Michigan needs in an Attorney General. He was investigated for unethical conduct, fired from a law firm for overcharging clients, and faces five years in prison if convicted for tampering with voting machines,” said Bob Allison, deputy director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Our Attorney General, Dana Nessel, has consistently defended our democracy and our environment – and Michiganders know she will continue to protect our water and hold polluters accountable.”

DePerno led the charge to attack Michigan election results, quickly becoming a national figure in former President Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election. He filed a lawsuit to overturn county election results, continues to push the conspiracy theory that state voting machines were broken into and changed, and is under investigation for alleged illegal tampering with voting machines. He has also committed to ending the state’s lawsuit against Enbridge and their Line 5 oil pipeline that would run directly under Lake Michigan, threatening the Great Lakes.

“Across the country, the same candidates who attack clean energy jobs, want to block climate action, and protect big polluters are the same people trying to undermine our democracy,” said Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund Senior Vice President of Campaigns. “Up-and-down the ticket voters have a clear choice this election and working with our state affiliates, we are determined to make sure they know who is on their side.”

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