
Michigan LCV wants action, not more empty promises from DTE

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement in response to DTE’s announcement about its carbon emissions:

“DTE’s goal to advance carbon-free energy solutions is a step in the right direction, but their track record on investing in clean, renewable energy ⁠— and the company’s recent flawed, long-range energy plan ⁠— leave us feeling skeptical,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “DTE is proposing big, expensive investments in fossil fuel plants, and is doing little to reduce skyrocketing electricity bills. The company wants to kick the can down the road for five years on serious, aggressive investments in wind and solar and energy efficiency when those technologies are affordable and available today.”

“With the threat of climate change growing by the day, we need bold clean energy solutions right now, not new fossil fuel plants. DTE Energy should fully commit to no new gas plants in its long-term energy plan if it really wants to meet its carbon-free promise,” Wozniak continued.


On Thursday, DTE announced its goal to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, but not through clean, renewable energy. Instead, DTE says it will achieve its goal with carbon capture, large-scale storage and modular nuclear facilities.



Media Contact: Nick Dodge, [email protected], (616) 796-4912

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