Michigan LCV urges Gov. Snyder to veto “no stricter than federal” bill

Michigan LCV urges Gov. Snyder to veto “no stricter than federal” bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018

Contact: Katie Parrish, Communications Director, (239) 537-9507 

Michigan LCV urges Gov. Snyder to veto “no stricter than federal” bill

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today issued the following statement calling on Gov. Snyder to veto House Bill 4205, legislation that would prevent state agencies from adopting rules and standards stricter than those in place at the federal level. The legislation was voted out of the state House and now goes to the governor’s desk where he can sign the legislation into law or veto it.

“If Governor Snyder signs HB 4205, it would handcuff state agencies, making it difficult for the state to adopt protections that ensure we have safe drinking water and clean air to breathe. Worse yet, it would put the health of our communities in the hands of an EPA that is dead-set on dismantling standards,” said Nick Occhipinti, government affairs director at Michigan LCV. “Governor Snyder had the moral sense to veto this legislation in years past. We urge him to join the 51 lawmakers on both sides of the aisle who rejected this proposal in the House and veto this irresponsible legislation once again to preserve the state’s ability to protect our land, air and water.”


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