Michigan LCV statement on Environmental Rules Review Committee’s delay on drinking water standards for PFAS

Michigan LCV statement on Environmental Rules Review Committee’s delay on drinking water standards for PFAS

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement after the Environmental Rules Review Committee issued a decision delaying the process for establishing a Maximum Contaminant Level for PFAS in drinking water. 

“At a time when communities across the state are grappling with toxic PFAS contamination in their drinking water, the frustrating action today only bogs down and delays action on aggressively setting standards to protect the health of our families,” said Bob Allison, deputy director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We have a responsibility to take swift action and treat this water contamination problem with the urgency it deserves. Today’s delay by the Environmental Rules Review Committee again emphasizes why this body is an unnecessary, additional layer of bureaucracy, which is why we opposed its creation a year ago. We urge the committee to stop the delays and move forward now to establish drinking water protections for PFAS.”

The Environmental Rules Review Committee was created by legislation signed into law during the final days of the lame duck session under Gov. Rick Snyder to create additional oversight over all environmental rulemaking by the state. The committee was widely opposed by environmental conservation and health organizations for adding additional, unnecessary layers of bureaucracy for establishing protections for our air and water.

Media Contact: Nick Dodge, [email protected]

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