Michigan LCV applauds House passage of budget resolution and calls for delivery of full Build Back Better Agenda

Michigan LCV applauds House passage of budget resolution and calls for delivery of full Build Back Better Agenda

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Michigan League of Conservation Voters commended the U.S. House of Representatives today for advancing a once-in-a-generation budget plan that would bolster clean energy, fix aging water infrastructure, expand electric vehicle use, create union jobs, and act on climate change.  Given the enormity of the climate crisis, environmental injustice, and economic inequality, it is critical that this $3.5 trillion investment serve as a floor — not a ceiling — as the rest of the legislative process moves forward. 

From 2010 to 2020, Michigan experienced 20 extreme weather events that cost at least a billion dollars each, totaling $99.4 billion in damages. By 2050, Michigan is projected to see the severity of widespread summer drought triple, with potentially devastating impacts for the state’s agriculture industry.  Additionally, in 2020, the Detroit-Metropolitan area ranked the 12th worst area in America for year round particle pollution.

“We know our state’s aging infrastructure was not built to withstand the extreme impacts of climate change — and we’re seeing it in unprecedented flooding, lengthy power outages, and sewage overflowing into our lakes and rivers,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We need transformational investments in upgrading our water infrastructure, expanding clean energy and electric vehicles, and creating good-paying jobs. We applaud Representatives Dingell, Kildee, Lawrence, Levin, Slotkin, Stevens, and Tlaib for their votes today, and urge them to deliver on the President’s Build Back Better Agenda.”

In addition to advancing the Build Back Better budget resolution, the House also moved the process forward for a final vote on a complementary, bipartisan infrastructure bill. Michigan is well positioned to make the most out of federal investments to grid modernization and energy efficiency, along with clean energy and electric vehicles. Federal clean energy investments totaling $99.2 billion could generate 28,798 jobs in Michigan per year over a five-year period, according to estimates.

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