Michigan LCV applauds AG Nessel for holding DTE Energy accountable

Michigan LCV applauds AG Nessel for holding DTE Energy accountable

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today issued the following statement regarding Attorney General Dana Nessel’s recent testimony to the Michigan Public Service Commission pushing back on DTE Energy’s rate hike request, which would increase residential customers’ bills by more than nine percent.

“Michiganders pay the highest electricity bills in the Midwest, and DTE Energy has levied the second-highest amount of rate increases in the country over the last five years. Enough is enough. DTE’s endless rate increases are crippling families,” said Bob Allison, deputy director for Michigan LCV. “And now, in its long-range plan, DTE wants to build big, expensive fossil fuel plants instead of investing in clean, renewable energy to reduce energy costs and protect our air and water. DTE can do better.”


Michigan LCV recently launched a website ( that gives citizens one-click access to weigh in with the Michigan Public Service Commission on DTE’s burdensome rate hikes and flawed long-range plan.


Media contact: Nick Dodge, [email protected]

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