Gov. Whitmer’s climate executive order will protect public health, make Michigan a leader on climate action

Gov. Whitmer’s climate executive order will protect public health, make Michigan a leader on climate action

Lansing, MI – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today issued the following statement following Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s executive order of sweeping actions to further protect public health and address extreme weather events caused by the warming of our planet and climate change.

Executive Order 2020-182 tackles the current climate crisis head on by calling for Michigan to become carbon neutral by 2050 and setting benchmarks to achieve the goal.

“Michiganders are being impacted right now by the climate crisis — from bursting dams and immense property damage in mid-Michigan to flooded farm fields, overflowing basements in southeast Michigan and extreme shoreline erosion from record-high lake levels,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Governor Whitmer’s bold action today sends a clear message that our state will aggressively work to reduce pollution in our air and water that further puts our health at risk during this pandemic. The governor is also moving to create clean energy jobs of the future during this economic crisis. We applaud the governor for once again listening to experts and making the health and safety of our residents and protection of our air and water top priorities.”


Media Contact: Nick Dodge, [email protected]

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