June 27th, 2019

On June 27, 2019 Attorney General Dana Nessel filed a lawsuit with the Ingham County Court system seeking to decommission the Enbridge Line 5 pipeline through the Straits of Mackinac, as well as stymie efforts by Enbridge to construct a tunnel beneath the straits. The lawsuit comes in response to another lawsuit filed by Enrbidge questioning our AG’s legal opinion that the newly created Mackinac Straits Authority was unconstitutional and therefore could not give permission for the proposed tunnel. AG Nessel’s lawsuit asserts that the current running of the 66 year old pipeline violates the public trust as well as the Michigan Environmental Protection Act due to its likelihood to contaminate our Great Lakes and undercut our economy. 

The lawsuit comes after unsuccessful negotiations between Enbridge and Governor Whitmer, with AG Nessel stating:  “I have consistently stated that Enbridge’s pipelines in the Straits need to be shut down as soon as possible because they present an unacceptable risk to the Great Lakes. Governor Whitmer tried her best to reach an agreement that would remove the pipelines from the Straits on an expedited basis, but Enbridge walked away from negotiations and instead filed a lawsuit against the state. Once that occurred, there was no need for further delay.” 

We at Michigan LCV are in total agreement with AG Nessel, and applaud her swift and decisive actions to protect our Great Lakes