September 11th, 2023

Weight 3

AG Nessel filed a lawsuit against the Gerald R. Ford International Airport Authority in Kent County in an effort to compel the remediation of PFAS contamination released from the site.  The lawsuit comes after EGLE sent repeated warnings about PFAS releases and notice of violations of its National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES). The airport site is recognized as one of Michigan’s more than 200 known PFAS contaminated sites, and PFAS has made its way into the groundwater and nearby drinking water sources.    

PFAS is a harmful group of chemicals, both to human and environmental health. Once it is in the environment it is very difficult to clean up. >>>> Click here to read more on PFAS. The state’s suit alleges that the airport’s releases are potentially dangerous for public health, and the environment, and that the discharge has made its way to the Thornapple River. 

This lawsuit sends an important ‘enforcement’ message not only to Gerald R. Ford Airport Authority, but also to other polluters in Michigan – regardless of their size, status, or brand. In reference to the lawsuit, AG Nessel said “Under Michigan law, if you caused the contamination, you must remediate it. We will continue to pursue our claims against the Authority until a satisfactory result is reached that protects the public and the environment.”