State right to call for immediate repair of Line 5 coating, more information and action needed

State right to call for immediate repair of Line 5 coating, more information and action needed

Withholding key information and misinforming state regulators fits pattern of behavior for Enbridge

LANSING—The Michigan League of Conservation Voters offered the following statement in reaction to State of Michigan officials calling on Enbridge to immediately inspect and repair protective coating on its Line 5 pipeline under the Straits of Mackinac following revelations that multiple stretches of the pipeline are missing protective coating and that Enbridge has done nothing to repair one segment that was damaged while installing new safety anchors in summer 2016.

Not only does this reinforce that Line 5 remains a danger to the Great Lakes, but it is further evidence that Enbridge has a pattern of keeping important information from the public and misinforming state regulators,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We urge the state to release all details about the status of the pipeline’s coating and how these flaws were discovered. Today’s news only strengthens the case for the Snyder administration to do what needs to be done by shutting down this out-dated, poorly maintained, and dangerous pipeline.”

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