

We're Here to help.

Michigan League of Conservation Voters

We’re here to help.

Our elected officials work for the people, and it’s on all of us to hold them accountable. At Michigan LCV, our goal is to make sure the health of our communities, natural resources and democracy are priorities for our elected officials, and to provide you with the resources you need to hold them accountable and stay informed on the issues facing the Great Lakes State.


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How Can I Help?

Share Your Story

Our work centers around people like you getting involved and taking action. Your story is important. We want to know: What brings you to this work? By sharing your story, you can inspire others to get involved as we fight for a healthier future for all Michiganders

Take Action


Join our teams across the state who are working together to elect strong leaders to office and to pass stronger laws to protect our land, air and water.

Take Action

Join the movement to protect the Great Lakes state

And we’ll show you two ways to help. Together, we can be a voice for change and protect Michigan’s land, air, water, public health, and democracy.