And we’ll show you two ways to help. Together, we can be a voice for change and protect Michigan’s land, air, water, public health, and democracy.
Michigan LCV: Anti-DEQ bills would let the fox guard the hen house
January 25th, 2018LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today blasted Senate Bills 652 and 653, legislation that gives big polluters decision-making authority over the Department of Environmental Quality. The Senate approved the […]
Michigan LCV announces new staff members
January 12th, 2018The Michigan League of Conservation Voters announced today it has hired three new staff members to join its growing team of professionals fighting to protect our air, water and natural resources. Michigan […]
MI Senate panel approves bills to let polluting industries write environmental rules
December 6th, 2017Bill package approved by Senate Natural Resources Committee hands over authority for environmental rules and permitting to unelected industry representatives LANSING—The Michigan League of Conservation Voters released the following statements […]
Michigan agencies will be left unable to fully protect its unique natural resources under MI House plan
May 18th, 2017Bill would restrict Michigan to federal minimum environmental protections and mandate that state agencies ditch proactive problem solving LANSING – Today, the Michigan House of Representatives, approved House Bill 4205 […]
Just Released: Governor Snyder’s Report Card
May 15th, 2017Bi-annual report offers grades for administration’s record on key issues impacting Michigan’s land, water and air The Michigan League of Conservation Voters released its 2015-2016 Governor’s Report Card today scoring […]
As Michigan prepares for Earth Day, Senate panel votes to slash bedrock environmental safeguards
April 19th, 2017Budget cuts approved Wednesday by the Senate Appropriations Committee would slash essential programs that protect Michigan residents from tainted drinking water and toxic groundwater contamination, the Michigan Environmental Council and […]
2015-2016 Legislative Scorecard Released
February 22nd, 2017Bipartisan support for clean energy scored as ‘big win’ for Michiganders and environment February 22, 2017, Ann Arbor, MI — The Michigan League of Conservation Voters released its 2015-2016 Legislative […]
AUDIO: Preparing For The Unknown In A New Administration
February 3rd, 2017President Trump has put forth his nominees to lead the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy. Lawmakers, pundits and advocates alike are trying to assess what direction environmental […]
FROM THE ROOFTOPS - George Heartwell
January 19th, 2017I happen to believe that history will judge kindly those who continued to shout, from the rooftops, through their own weariness and against the corrosive drift of conformity: This is […]
Lame Duck Watch:
October 26th, 2016So many bad ideas, so little time In the last few weeks of the year following an election — during what is known as the “Lame Duck” session — the […]