Ohio toxic waste endangers Michiganders, shouldn’t be dumped in Great Lakes State

Ohio toxic waste endangers Michiganders, shouldn’t be dumped in Great Lakes State

Permitting and siting of toxic dumps should be reviewed

LANSING – Michigan should not be a dumping ground for toxic waste from Ohio, the result of a train derailment three weeks ago that released hazardous chemicals, including known carcinogens such as vinyl chloride. Destinations for the toxic waste include the metro Detroit community of Romulus.

“Michigan shouldn’t be treated as a dumping ground for toxic chemicals nor should we pay the price for large corporations that want to cut corners on safety,” said Lisa Wozniak, Executive Director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We are outraged that once again, communities where hardworking Michigan families live, work and raise their children are being put at risk, and this shines a light on the need for our state to do a full review of how landfills and dumping wells are sited and permitted to accept such high-level, cancer-causing toxic waste.”

Targeted communities for the toxic waste include Romulus, which is already embroiled in a decades-long fight to remove a toxic waste injection well.

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