Nurses, conservation leaders blast EPA proposal to roll back fuel efficiency standards

Nurses, conservation leaders blast EPA proposal to roll back fuel efficiency standards

Nurses, conservation leaders blast EPA proposal to roll back fuel efficiency standards

Rollback of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards a major step backward for Michigan

LANSING – Leaders representing health and environmental conservation organizations in Michigan blasted a proposal announced today by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to roll back federal fuel efficiency standards that promote cleaner air and save drivers money at the pump.

“Today’s announcement to roll back the clean cars standards is a major step backward for Michigan families and will result in more dangerous pollution in our air and water,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Fuel efficiency standards save drivers money, boost innovation in our auto industry and promote cleaner air. Rolling back the standards will slam the brakes on these benefits and turn back progress we’ve made on developing cleaner more efficient cars.”

The Trump Administration formerly announced plans to review the fuel efficiency standards in April. Since then, conservation leaders, health professionals, consumer protection groups and even states like California have called for the Administration to maintain the fuel efficiency standards, which make vehicles more fuel-efficient and save drivers money.

“Rolling back the fuel efficiency standards will only lead to dirtier air and less healthy communities in Michigan and across the country,” said Joyce Stein, retired neonatal nurse and board member of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments. “The fuel efficiency standards are essential to reducing dangerous tailpipe emissions and protect the health of families, children and seniors, and any attempt to roll them back threatens public health.”


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