New ballot petition a blatant effort to suppress votes

New ballot petition a blatant effort to suppress votes

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement after a group backed by the Michigan Republican Party launched the “Secure MI Vote” petition initiative that would make it harder for Michiganders to vote.

“After historic turnout in 2020, some lawmakers in Lansing have spent months working to pass anti-voter measures that are redundant, unnecessary and would ultimately make it harder for people to vote in Michigan. Now, special interest groups are trying to circumvent an anticipated veto by Governor Whitmer,” said Clare Allenson, Democracy For All Director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “This petition drive is based on false claims, failed lawsuits and continues to perpetuate the ‘Big Lie,’ which is dangerous to our democracy. Instead of putting up deliberate barriers to voting, we should be working to ensure every Michigander, regardless of race, gender, religion or zip code, has the freedom to vote and voice in the future of our state.”

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