Michigan Public Service Commission rejects DTE Energy’s solar-killing proposal

Michigan Public Service Commission rejects DTE Energy’s solar-killing proposal

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today applauded the Michigan Public Service Commission for standing up for solar energy and Michigan ratepayers by rejecting significant portions of DTE’s rate increase request. This decision comes after more than 2,300 Michigan residents submitted public comments to the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) urging commissioners to keep solar affordable for customers who want to generate their own clean energy.

“DTE Energy’s proposal to increase rates on everyone and gut affordable solar was thwarted in today’s decision because thousands of Michiganders – sick and tired of paying the highest rates in the Midwest – got involved and made their voices heard, ” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV. “It’s past time to move rapidly to more efficient energy, and cheaper, cleaner solar and wind. We will continue to encourage citizens to engage the Public Service Commission and hold commissioners accountable for standing up to big, monopoly utility companies.” 

The Michigan Public Service Commission rejected a requested monthly charge for rooftop solar users that would have made solar unaffordable for the average family. The Commission also rejected a proposed formula by DTE Energy that would have greatly reduced compensation for excess clean energy generated from rooftop solar and sent back to the grid.

In April, Michigan LCV launched to help concerned Michigan customers get involved. More than 2,300 Michiganders submitted public comments to the Public Service Commission urging them to reject DTE’s proposal.

DTE Energy’s proposal would have mandated a fee of $12 to $16 per month on rooftop solar customers generating their own energy. It would have also reduced the payout for excess energy generated from rooftop solar from the current 13 cents per kilowatt hour to a mere 4 cents per kilowatt hour, resulting in a nearly 70 percent decrease in compensation for customers generating their own energy.


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