
Michigan League of Conservation Voters: Bliss Best Choice for Grand Rapids Mayor

GRAND RAPIDS — The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (LCV) today announced its endorsement of Commissioner Rosalynn Bliss for Mayor of Grand Rapids.

“At Michigan LCV, we strongly believe Rosalynn Bliss will build upon Mayor Heartwell’s legacy of growing the economy while protecting our air, land and water,” said Patty Birkholz, West Michigan Director for Michigan LCV. “Who we elect matters and Mayor Heartwell has shown how, when the right people are in office, we can enact smart policies that protect the environment and grow our economy. Commissioner Bliss is ready and able to take the lead and that’s why we at Michigan LCV are proud to endorse her as the next Mayor of Grand Rapids.”

Last week, Michigan LCV partnered with Michigan Radio and The Grand Rapids Press to host a candidate forum focused on energy and the environment. Over the course of the evening, Bliss made clear her strong support for renewable energy, her commitment to public-private partnerships, and her experience with the complex issues that the city faces.

“Thanks to the leadership of Mayor George Heartwell, Grand Rapids is leading cities across the nation in its commitment to address climate issues and invest in renewable energy,” said Elizabeth Welch, Michigan LCV Board President. “Commissioner Bliss is the person who will move the city forward and build upon the legacy of Mayor Heartwell, ensuring that Grand Rapids continues to set an example for cities across the country.”

“Our future mayor has a huge opportunity to partner with the private sector to build a thriving economy and protect our natural resources,” said Bob Eleveld, McGarry Bair PC and member of Michigan LCV’s Board of Directors. “Building on our city’s proud legacy of developing strong public-private partnerships, we can restore the Grand River, preserve our open space, and achieve ambitious clean energy goals. Rosalynn Bliss is the candidate with the vision and know-how to carry out that legacy and move Grand Rapids forward.”

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