Michigan LCV urges rejection of DTE’s long-range energy plan following judge’s reading of case

Michigan LCV urges rejection of DTE’s long-range energy plan following judge’s reading of case

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today issued the following statement regarding Administrative Law Judge Sally Wallace’s reading of the case surrounding DTE Energy’s long-term energy plan.

“We are glad the judge is pushing back on DTE’s ineffective and disorganized long-term energy plan, which put profits first rather than lowering energy bills and boosting clean, efficient energy,” Nick Dodge, communications director for Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We encourage the Michigan Public Service Commission to reject DTE’s plan and require them to invest in more renewable energy and energy efficiency to reduce our costs and address climate change. DTE can do better and we urge the MPSC to ensure they do so.”

Last month, Michigan LCV launched a website ( that gives citizens one-click access to weigh in with the Michigan Public Service Commission on DTE’s burdensome rate hikes and flawed long-range plan.

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