Michigan LCV urges Michigan Senate to pass bipartisan solar tax legislation

Michigan LCV urges Michigan Senate to pass bipartisan solar tax legislation

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters issued the following statement urging the Michigan Senate to pass House Bills 5143 and 5680, tie-barred bills that would clarify how solar panels installed on residential homes and businesses are taxed. The legislation would classify solar panels installed on property as personal property, which would not raise a home’s value and property taxes until it is sold.

“Generating clean, renewable energy through rooftop solar helps Michigan residents lower their electricity costs while reducing dangerous pollution in our air and water, yet the current tax policy for rooftop solar installations is broken and confusing,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV. “We applaud the Senate Finance Committee for supporting this bipartisan legislation, and we urge the Senate to approve these bills that remove barriers for Michigan families that want to install solar panels at their homes.”


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