Michigan LCV to Legislature: Reject public funds for Line 5 tunnel

Michigan LCV to Legislature: Reject public funds for Line 5 tunnel

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, Nov. 26, 2018

Contact: Katie Parrish, Communications Director, (239) 537-9507

Michigan LCV to Legislature: Reject public funds for Line 5 tunnel

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today urged lawmakers to reject a supplemental budget request from the State Budget Office that would appropriate $4.5M to cover expenses associated with a proposed tunnel to replace the Line 5 Pipeline under the Straits of Mackinac. State officials previously assured the public that taxpayer dollars would not go toward the proposed tunnel.

“Using public funds for Canadian oil company Enbridge Energy’s risky Line 5 tunnel, especially after state officials promised no taxpayer dollars would go toward a tunnel, is irresponsible and would keep oil pumping through the damaged Line 5 Pipeline for another 10 years or more,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV. “The Snyder-Enbridge oil tunnel deal is a false solution that would keep our Great Lakes at risk of a disastrous oil spill. We urge state lawmakers to stand up for clean water and our Great Lakes and reject using taxpayer dollars for a risky oil tunnel under the Straits.”


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