Michigan LCV Statement on Passing of John Dingell

Michigan LCV Statement on Passing of John Dingell

Ann Arbor, MI— In response to the passing of Rep. John Dingell, Michigan League of Conservation Voters Executive Director Lisa Wozniak issued the following statement:
Yesterday the state of Michigan and the nation lost an environmental and civil rights hero. For so many, there’s never been a world without Congressman John Dingell.  Serving in the House of Representatives for almost 6 decades, Congressman Dingell played a leadership role in enacting many of our nation’s paramount environmental laws, from the Clean Water Act and the National Environmental Policy Act to the Endangered Species Act. The ‘Dean of the House’ was a critical voice in protecting our air, land and water, and an essential leader in the establishment of North America’s first and only international wildlife refuge.”

The Board and staff at Michigan LCV send our deepest condolences to Rep. Debbie Dingell, who continues the bold, determined family legacy today in the halls of Congress.


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