Michigan LCV to Snyder: Shut down Line 5 now

Michigan LCV to Snyder: Shut down Line 5 now

Following the Attorney General’s statement, Governor must act swiftly to avert crisis in the Great Lakes

LANSING—The Michigan League of Conservation Voters offered the following statement in response to Attorney General Schuette’s hollow posturing in wake of alternatives analysis commissioned for the State of Michigan.

While issuing statement after statement over the last few months and styling himself a Great Lakes champion, Attorney General Schuette inexplicably refuses to use his authority to shut Line 5 down,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “In the absence of real leadership by the attorney general, we call on Governor Snyder to act decisively to finally put Line 5 out of service. Given the many disturbing reports that have come to light  on the deteriorating condition of Line 5, and the fact that 40 million citizens in the region rely upon the Great Lakes for their drinking water, we urge the Governor to act swiftly to avert a public health and economic crisis in the Great Lakes State.”

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