Michigan LCV: SB 1244 would hinder PFAS safety standards

Michigan LCV: SB 1244 would hinder PFAS safety standards

Legislature jamming through bill as state releases new report calling into question current safety levels for PFAS

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today issued the following statement urging Gov. Snyder to veto Senate Bill 1244, legislation that would hamstring state agencies from setting tougher cleanup standards for toxic chemicals like PFAS. The bill was approved by the state House today and will head to Gov. Snyder’s desk following concurrence by the Senate.

“At a time when communities across Michigan are grappling with toxic PFAS contamination in their drinking water, Senate Bill 1244 would weaken safety levels for PFAS in our water, threatening the health of Michigan families,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV. “This legislation is a step backward and, if Gov. Snyder is serious about cleaning up PFAS contamination, he should veto this dangerous legislation.”

This legislation passed out of the House despite the release of a report today by the Michigan PFAS Science Advisory Panel that details scientific recommendations for tackling the PFAS crisis and calls into question the safety of using current EPA advisory standards for PFAS in drinking water.

“Lawmakers and Gov. Snyder should heed the warnings of the new DEQ report released today that calls into question the adequacy of the weak EPA advisory standard for PFAS, which is currently being used by the state as a cleanup standard. Scientists, toxicologists and public health experts agree that Michigan needs a stronger PFAS standard. Instead of bold action to protect people in communities with contamination, SB 1244 would hamstring state government from setting a limit on toxic PFAS that protects the health of Michigan communities,” added Wozniak. “In reviewing the roll call vote, it is clear that House members with PFAS contamination in their districts, like Representatives Allor, VerHeulen, Yaroch, Maturen, Runestead, Howrylak, and Afendoulis, understood the implications of this bill and crossed party lines to protect their communities.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018

Contact: Nick Dodge, Byrum & Fisk Advocacy Communications, (517) 333-1606

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