Michigan LCV hails passage of legislation to end water shutoffs during Covid

Michigan LCV hails passage of legislation to end water shutoffs during Covid

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement regarding state House passage of Senate Bill 241, which forbids utilities from shutting off water service to customers during the Covid-19 pandemic. 


“We will never be able to beat this virus if households don’t have running water for washing their hands and basic sanitation,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “No one should have their water shut off, especially during a pandemic. As Covid continues to impact our state, it is essential that we keep all Michiganders safe and healthy by ensuring access to water in their own homes.”


Gov. Whitmer put an executive order in place in March to stop water shutoffs and ensure Michiganders have access to basic sanitation during the pandemic, but it was struck down by the Michigan Supreme Court in October.  In response, State Senator Stephanie Chang introduced SB 241 to maintain access to water during the pandemic.

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