Michigan LCV endorses Gretchen Whitmer for governor

Michigan LCV endorses Gretchen Whitmer for governor

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today announced its formal endorsement of Gretchen Whitmer for governor. Michigan LCV is the leading nonpartisan political organization committed to protecting our air, land and water.

“Our Great Lakes, inland lakes, rivers, streams and our drinking water face monumental challenges, and we need a governor who will face these challenges head on,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV. “We’re endorsing Gretchen Whitmer because she’s a tireless advocate for our air, land and Great Lakes, and will take on the looming water crisis that threatens the health of communities across Michigan.”

Whitmer has made cleaning up our drinking water a core tenet of her campaign. She has pledged to work to decommission Line 5 to prevent a disastrous oil spill, speed up lead service line replacement, and clean up the increasing number of toxic PFAS sites that have contaminated drinking water, from Rockford and Oscoda to Parchment and Grayling.

“With the litany of threats to our Great Lakes and drinking water, our next governor must have a bold plan to protect the health of communities and ensure all Michiganders have safe, clean, affordable drinking water,” said Phil Roos, Michigan LCV Board President. “Gretchen Whitmer has a track-record of carrying out pro-conservation policies and the strongest plan to tackle threats to our drinking water, which is why we are endorsing her to be the next governor of Michigan.”

Michigan LCV’s endorsement was approved by a vote from the bipartisan Board of Directors following an extensive review of each candidate from both parties. The Board is made up of 22 elected members from across Michigan.



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