Michigan LCV applauds Gov. Whitmer for issuing executive directive to protect Lake Erie

Michigan LCV applauds Gov. Whitmer for issuing executive directive to protect Lake Erie

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today applauded Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for issuing an executive directive to reduce phosphorus in Lake Erie 40% by 2025 and curb toxic algae blooms. Phosphorus is the main driver of toxic algae that make the water unsafe to drink and touch.

“Toxic algae threatens our drinking water, outdoor recreation economy and the health of Michiganders – and extreme weather events happening more frequently are only going to make it worse,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We will solve it by tackling this problem together with the agriculture industry, our neighboring states and countries, the environmental community and scientists. Gov. Whitmer is taking this important step forward to reduce human and animal runoff in Lake Erie that causes this harmful and toxic algae to thrive.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, June 20, 2019

Contact: Nick Dodge, Byrum & Fisk Advocacy Communications (517) 333-1606

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