Michigan LCV: Anti-DEQ bills would let the fox guard the hen house

Michigan LCV: Anti-DEQ bills would let the fox guard the hen house

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today blasted Senate Bills 652 and 653, legislation that gives big polluters decision-making authority over the Department of Environmental Quality. The Senate approved the package of bills today. Michigan LCV has been engaged in an ongoing effort to oppose this legislation.

Senate Bills 652 and 653 would allow big polluters to call the shots at the DEQ – that’s like letting the fox guard the hen house and would put our Great Lakes and the health of Michiganders at risk,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV. “We learned from the Flint water crisis what happens when we have weak and ineffective protections, and this legislation would further weaken our state’s ability to ensure Michigan families are not put at risk.”

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