MI committee votes to nix state's best tool against aquatic invasive species

MI committee votes to nix state's best tool against aquatic invasive species

House Bill 5095 would eliminate Michigan’s ballast water pollution standards, adopting weaker U.S. Coast Guard standards

LANSING – Today–Tuesday, October 31–Michigan LCV responded to House Bill 5905 passing the Michigan House Commerce and Trade Committee with the following statement:

By lowering our safeguards against these invaders, Michigan lawmakers are throwing caution to the wind and gambling with the health and stability of the Great Lakes.” said Charlotte Jameson, government affairs director. “Aquatic invasive species are costing us billions every year and are virtually impossible to eradicate once they are in our waterways, this bill would only make matters worse.”

House Bill 5905, which would weaken Michigan’s ballast water pollution standards that were passed in 2005 with near unanimous bipartisan support, is sponsored by Rep. Dan Lauwers (R-Brockway Township). The bill was approved by the committee on a vote of 9 yes, 3 no, 2 pass, 1 absent.

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